Summer Employment

Applications for 2025 summer jobs are now being accepted! Jobs include those specifically related to our summer camps counseling and programming, as well as jobs in maintenance, lifeguarding, and kitchen work that may extend beyond summer camp.

Know someone who would be a good fit for our staff team? Refer them to us!

Highland also offers a year-long paid internship program. Learn more here.

Looking for a summer job? Start here!

Summer Job Descriptions
Read about the available roles for both senior staff (post high school) and junior staff (high school age).

See basic requirements and instructions, then get started on the online application.

Financial Information for Summer Staff
See the answers to some of your questions about wages, compensation, and staff referral bonuses. Also, learn how you can add $150 to your weekly salary through the Bless the Staff program!

Resources for Summer Staff
View a calendar for the summer, a sample weekly schedule, and a list of what to pack.

Employment Forms & Paperwork
Print extra copies of forms already received, or get a head start on paperwork that will be due at orientation.


After you're hired, important information, dates, and tasks to complete will be on the Training Materials page (the password will be provided to hired staff). Make sure you take a look!


To fill out a reference form for an applicant, click below. (You will need the reference control number that was emailed to you.)