Each year Highland relies on the generosity of donors who help subsidize summer children’s camps, provide camp scholarships, sponsor Highlands Events, and help with major projects.
As a registered 501(c)(3) organization and Christian charity, Highland may issue a tax-deductible receipt for donations.
Use the button below to make an online donation, or learn about current fundraising campaigns or other ways to give, below.
Did you know? If you have an account with them, you can also give to Highland Retreat through the Park View Federal Credit Union donation feature -- and there are NO fees involved! On the PVFCU app or website, navigate to where you would make a transfer and look for the "Donations" option. If you are donating for a specific purpose, just note that when you donate.
Progress on current fundraising campaigns:
Each bar below shows a different campaign and our progress toward that specific goal; progress will generally be updated once or twice a week. Brief descriptions of each project are also included below.
Project descriptions:
1) Summer ministry support (Goal: $25,000)
We believe that summer staff wages need to be fair, so that young people can afford to serve! But we also believe that Christian summer camp experiences must be financially within reach for most families. Maintaining fair wages and affordable registration fees is a delicate balance that we can only achieve through the generosity of donors who believe in the power of camp for both campers and staff.
2) Green Valley House mortgage (Goal: $200,000)
Purchased in 2019, Green Valley House contains two separate living spaces that serve as housing for staff (primarily year-round staff) and volunteers. Construction costs for the building renovation (about $350,000) have already been paid; we are raising funds to continue making quarterly payments on the remaining mortgage.
3) Upper Highland Campground bathhouse remodel (Goal: $75,000)
This project will involve gutting, rebuilding, and enlarging the existing bathhouse. The design offers 3 private bathrooms, one accessible family bathroom with shower, and one private shower. It will also increase kitchen counter space within the pavilion and add new sidewalk/deck areas beside the bathhouse end of the pavilion, with the roofline extended to cover the dishwashing station. We will begin the project when we have raised at least $50,000 – our hope is to start work on November 1, 2024! More details here.
4) Upper Highland Campground pavilion extension (Goal: $28,000)
This is actually “Stage 2” of the Upper Highland bathhouse remodel. In this stage, we will double the covered pavilion space with a 24’x24’ addition to Mt Everett Pavilion in the Upper Highland Campground, improve lighting, and replace the existing roof. We will be able to begin the project when we have raised at least $18,000. Depending on fundraising, this part of the project may be completely along with the bathhouse remodel, or it may be completed separately. More details here.
Ways to give to Highland Retreat:
Monetary gifts:
Other ways to give: