Welcome to Highland Retreat

Highland Retreat is a welcoming Christian camp that features a beautiful retreat setting and exciting summer youth camps. Located in northwestern Virginia, Highland serves the Shenandoah Valley, Northern Virginia, the Eastern West Virginia panhandle, and beyond.

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Do you see it? One of our avian neighbors near the Tab; watch for it moving around near the center of the image.

Video by our terrific intern, Clay!
Our guests were treated to an amazing northern lights sky show last night! And because they shared their pictures with us (thanks, Dedra!), we can in turn share these images of God's beautiful creation with all of you. 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Psalm 19:1-4

#highlandretreatva #auroraborealis #northernlights #psalm19
Our annual fall gathering is coming up on November 21, and you are invited to join us! The banquet, which will be held in the Lindale Mennonite Church fellowship hall, is a time to eat delicious food, fellowship with other friends of Highland, hear a brief report on the past year (our theme matches the 2024 summer camp theme, "My feet are on the Rock"), and financially support Highland's ministry. 

The meal will be provided by our own talented food service staff, and the menu sounds amazing! Check out the full menu for yourself and RSVP online at highlandretreat.org/banquet

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