Summer Camps for ages 12-18
Navigators Camp, for ages 15-18
Arrival: Sunday afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $345, siblings $295
Registration will open January 7
Resident Camp B, for ages 12-15
Check-in: Sunday late afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $TBD, siblings $TBD
Registration will open January 7
Resident Camp C, for ages 11-13
Check-in: Sunday late afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $460, siblings $410
Registration will open January 7
Wilderness Camp A, for ages 14-16
Check-in: Sunday late afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $TBD, siblings $TBD
Registration will open January 7
Resident Camp D, for ages 10-12
Check-in: Sunday late afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $445, siblings $395
Registration will open January 7
Wilderness Camp B, for ages 13-15
Check-in: Sunday late afternoon; Departure: Thursday evening
First child $TBD, siblings $TBD
Registration will open January 7
Leaders in Training (LIT) Program, for ages 16-18
LIT participants may choose 1 or more service weeks; participation is by application
LITs will be PAID $100-150 for each week of service
Applications now being accepted