Two skilled ‘birders’ led a well-attended morning hike to enjoy and identify birds on May 20. While birds were harder to spot because the leaves had emerged, the woods were filled with songs which the guides could identify. The highlight was finding many birds nesting, including one unusually large nest that is home to a family of bald eagles. Throughout the morning and lunchtime, people took the opportunity to observe the eagles through a powerful spotting scope brought by one of the guides.
Those eaglets should be flying sometime in July, but they will stay near the nest through most of the summer. Bring a spotting scope or binoculars this summer on your church campout and enjoy trying to spot the nest that is located about 400 feet upstream of the Tabernacle. BUT… please avoid too much commotion near the pasture fencing and keep your distance from the nest (stay on Highland’s property, including along the stream bed). We want to protect the nesting site so they might return again next year!