One weekend in October, a small pipe under the kitchen sink in Dogwood gave way and, by the time it was discovered, thousands of gallons of water had passed through the building and the damage was done. Fortunately, our insurance agency covered the damage and provided skilled help to prevent further damage from mold.

It was hard to see the good side while we were bailing water and ripping out flooring, but now that the insulation, drywall, and wainscotting are back in we are getting excited. Since the building had to be offline for repairs, we decided to make this an opportunity to use reserved funds to improve Dogwood. We replaced the uneven wooden floor and old carpet with new premium flooring throughout. We moved and upgraded an electrical panel that had been poorly located. We designed a new, compact, high-end kitchen to complement the bathroom upgrades that were finished a year ago.

This cottage is a favorite for small families and couples, and it serves as the base of operations for our summer camp nurses. We are grateful that we had the time and resources to improve Dogwood and redeem an otherwise dampening situation. Thank you, Lord!