More than 350 campers have already registered for 2023 Highland Summer Camps. Interest in Christ-centered summer camp experiences continues to be strong, but finding enough staff to serve has limited us. How wonderful to approach this summer with one of the most experienced summer staff teams we have ever seen! Two thirds of last year’s team is returning this year and, to state the obvious, they are a year older. This means that, despite a few jobs that remain to be filled, we are blessed with an experienced and mature team of gifted staff who will provide a solid foundation for this summer.
Because our leadership team committed to their roles months ago, they have been working together to tweak the program schedule, plan devotionals and activities for days with rain, and prepare quality staff training. This year’s devotional theme is taken from Matthew 5:16, “Let your Light Shine.” Campers will explore New Testament stories about encounters that Jesus had with real people!
This year, part of our pre-camp training will focus on helping staff navigate issues related to camper mental, emotional, and social health (MESH). And we are excited to have a part-time ‘staff pastor’ who will have a particular focus on staff emotional and spiritual health. We sincerely believe that if the staff are healthy and prepared, and God is at the center, authentic ministry will follow!
If someone you know serves on the Highland staff this summer, consider enhancing their wages through the ‘Bless the Staff’ program.