Welcome to Highland Retreat

Highland Retreat is a welcoming Christian camp that features a beautiful retreat setting and exciting summer youth camps. Located in northwestern Virginia, Highland serves the Shenandoah Valley, Northern Virginia, the Eastern West Virginia panhandle, and beyond.

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Signs of spring are popping up around us! 

#highlandretreatva #springflowers
Saturday's work day will focus on planting trees, spreading mulch in flowerbeds, and more! You are invited to join us for the morning and/or afternoon, and we'll serve you a tasty lunch to say thanks!

Let us know you are coming: https://highlandretreat.org/get-involved/work-days/ 

#highlandretreatva #volunteerworkday
Apply now! We still have openings for counselors, as well as a variety of other jobs that all support our summer ministry. Working at Highland is pretty amazing, so quit putting it off and get your application in! You won't regret it. 

Access highlandretreat.org/summer-camp/employment via link in bio.

#highlandretreatva #highlandsummercamps #highlandsummercamps2025

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