Welcome to Highland Retreat
Highland Retreat is a welcoming Christian camp that features a beautiful retreat setting and exciting summer youth camps. Located in northwestern Virginia, Highland serves the Shenandoah Valley, Northern Virginia, the Eastern West Virginia panhandle, and beyond.
Guest Testimonials
Love having a safe, fun place to come, with plenty of room for our kids to play and adults to connect, too.
Sunday School class retreat in Red Oak Lodge, February 2025
This time away for me has been such a gift. Thank you for your intentionality to provide a place for people in ministry to “get away to a quiet place” — like Jesus did. Blessings on you all!!
Pastor stay in Creekside cottage, February 2025
Your facility is absolute perfection! We had everything we needed . . . and more! Your staff is incredible! May God bless this facility year after year 🙂
Women’s retreat in Red Oak Lodge, January 2025
My annual prayer and planning retreat here is a highlight of my year. Thank you!
Pastor stay in Creekside cottage, December 2024
Great to see Highland in the winter season. The great room is an amazing gathering space with fireplace ambiance.
Family gathering in Red Oak Lodge, November 2024
We had a wonderful time. Creekside was a cozy retreat, and we had fun hiking. Thanks for everything!
Couple staying in Creekside Cottage, November 2024
We loved every minute! Thank you for providing a space for us to gather and for God to meet us. It was wonderful!
Women’s retreat in Mountain View Retreat Center, November 2024
Thanks so much. Our stay was great here at Highland!
Family getaway in Mountain View Retreat Center, October 2024
I really appreciate the opportunity to get out here and fully disconnect in solitude. Thank you so much for offering the space!
Pastor stay in Creekside cottage, October 2024
Thank you so much for going above and beyond to welcome and care for our family. The love of Jesus is alive here!
Family getaway in Lower Campground, September 2024

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We had more than 20 volunteers who participated in our work day this past Saturday! It was a nice day and the amazing volunteers accomplished a lot: They planted 50 tiny trees along Rt 259 and cleared out that treeline (hauling away about 6 trailer loads of limbs, logs, and debris); felled a number of trees that were looking dangerous in the upper and lower grounds; spread mulch in the upper flowerbeds; and installed the boards for the deck and ramp at the Upper Highland Campground bathhouse. WOW! We offer a big "THANK YOU!" to each volunteer -- you made such a big difference!
If you couldn`t make it to this work day but would like to volunteer, the next work day is already planned for April 12; you can sign up now to let us know you plan to participate! We will again have a variety of jobs available for different ages and skill levels, all geared toward getting us ready for the busy summer season. See highlandretreat.org/get-involved/work-days (or link to Highland Events in bio).
#highlandretreatva #volunteerworkdays #plantingtrees

We`re just about halfway through March already, and that means there are only a couple of weeks left to qualify for a free camp T-shirt. All campers who are fully registered (which includes paying a deposit) by the end of March will get the 2025 theme shirt for free!
Last summer`s shirts are pictured; this summer`s theme is "Look Up!" We will be focusing on the awesome night sky! As Psalm 19 begins, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." We don`t have a final shirt design yet, but it will relate to that theme.
The summer camp schedule, availability updates (so you can see which camps are full or nearly full), and the online registration form can be found on our website: highlandretreat.org/summer-camp/youth-camps (see link to Summer Camps in bio)
#highlandretreatva #highlandsummercamps #highlandsummercamps2025 #freeshirtdeadlineMarch31

Saturday`s work day will focus on planting trees, spreading mulch in flowerbeds, and more! You are invited to join us for the morning and/or afternoon, and we`ll serve you a tasty lunch to say thanks!
Let us know you are coming: https://highlandretreat.org/get-involved/work-days/
#highlandretreatva #volunteerworkday

Apply now! We still have openings for counselors, as well as a variety of other jobs that all support our summer ministry. Working at Highland is pretty amazing, so quit putting it off and get your application in! You won`t regret it.
Access highlandretreat.org/summer-camp/employment via link in bio.
#highlandretreatva #highlandsummercamps #highlandsummercamps2025

A hardworking crew of volunteers from First Russian Baptist Church blessed us by tackling several projects on Saturday. They had almost 20 volunteers in their group, and we are so grateful for each of them! When they wrapped up, we had a lot more firewood in the wood sheds, a huge pile of branches ready to burn, and a cleaned and reorganized storage room with shelves. (That room will be used to store materials for summer camp activities, replacing the old rec shed.) Thank you for your help, friends!
Want to join the effort to get us ready for the summer? We have work days scheduled for March 15 and April 12, and you are invited to participate! You can RSVP for the March 15 work day now on our website: highlandretreat.org/get-involved/work-days/ (link in bio to Highland Events)